About Syllabus Practice Exercises and Assessments

Project Management

  • Understanding the role and responsibilities of a project manager.
  • Overview of project management principles, processes, and methodologies.

Programme Management

  • Understanding the role and responsibilities of a programme manager.
  • Overview of programme management principles, processes, and methodologies.
Project Initiation
  • Defining project objectives, scope, and deliverables.
  • Conducting stakeholder analysis and identifying project stakeholders.
  • Developing the project charter and obtaining project approval.
Project Planning
  • Creating the project management plan: scope management, schedule management, cost management, etc.
  • Defining project requirements and creating the requirements management plan.
  • Developing the project schedule, budget, and resource plan.
Project Execution
  • Managing project resources and executing project activities.
  • Monitoring project performance and managing project changes.
  • Implementing quality assurance and quality control processes.
Project Monitoring and Controlling
  • Tracking project progress against the project management plan.
  • Identifying and managing project risks and issues.
  • Conducting project status meetings and reporting project status to stakeholders.
Project Risk Management
  • Identifying, analysing, and prioritising project risks.
  • Developing risk response plans and implementing risk mitigation strategies.
  • Monitoring and controlling project risks throughout the project lifecycle.
Project Communication
  • Establishing effective communication channels with project stakeholders.
  • Managing stakeholder expectations and resolving conflicts.
  • Communicating project status, progress, and changes to stakeholders.
Project Stakeholder Management
  • Identifying project stakeholders and analysing their needs and expectations.
  • Developing strategies to engage and manage project stakeholders.
  • Managing stakeholder communication and involvement throughout the project.
Project Quality Management
  • Defining project quality objectives and quality standards.
  • Implementing quality assurance and quality control processes.
  • Monitoring project quality and ensuring compliance with quality standards.
Project Closure
  • Conducting project closure activities: lessons learned, final project report, and project documentation.
  • Obtaining formal acceptance of project deliverables from stakeholders.
  • Celebrating project success and transitioning project deliverables to the operations team.
Programme Definition and Setup
  • Defining programme objectives, scope, and deliverables.
  • Conducting stakeholder analysis and identifying programme stakeholders.
  • Developing the programme brief and obtaining programme approval.
Programme Planning
  • Creating the programme management plan: scope management, schedule management, benefits management, etc.
  • Defining programme requirements and creating the requirements management plan.
  • Developing the programme schedule, budget, and resource plan.
Programme Governance
  • Establishing programme governance structures and processes.
  • Defining roles and responsibilities within the programme governance framework.
  • Implementing programme governance mechanisms to ensure alignment with strategic objectives.
Benefits Management
  • Identifying and quantifying programme benefits.
  • Developing benefits realisation plans and tracking benefit delivery.
  • Monitoring and controlling programme benefits throughout the programme lifecycle.
Stakeholder Management
  • Identifying programme stakeholders and analysing their needs and expectations.
  • Developing strategies to engage and manage programme stakeholders.
  • Managing stakeholder communication and involvement throughout the programme.
Risk Management
  • Identifying, analysing, and prioritising programme risks.
  • Developing risk response plans and implementing risk mitigation strategies.
  • Monitoring and controlling programme risks throughout the programme lifecycle.
Change Management
  • Managing programme changes and implementing change control processes.
  • Assessing change impact and communicating change to stakeholders.
  • Ensuring effective change adoption and transition management.
Quality Management
  • Defining programme quality objectives and quality standards.
  • Implementing quality assurance and quality control processes.
  • Monitoring programme quality and ensuring compliance with quality standards.
Programme Performance Management
  • Tracking programme performance against key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Conducting programme performance reviews and reporting to stakeholders.
  • Identifying and addressing issues and variances to ensure programme success.
Programme Closure
  • Conducting programme closure activities: lessons learned, final programme report, and programme documentation.
  • Obtaining formal acceptance of programme deliverables from stakeholders.
  • Celebrating programme success and transitioning programme outputs to the operations team.
Practice Exercises and Assessments
  • Hands-on exercises and simulations to reinforce learning.
  • Assessments and quizzes to evaluate understanding and application of programme management concepts.
  • Feedback and guidance to support continuous learning and improvement.