About Syllabus Practice Exercises and Assessments

Certified Scrum Product Owner Professional

Understanding roles and resposibilities of product owner in Agile development.

Product Ownership
  • Understanding the role and responsibilities of a Product Owner in Agile development.
  • Overview of the Agile principles and values that guide Product Ownership.
Product Vision and Strategy
  • Defining the product vision and strategy.
  • Identifying market needs and opportunities.
  • Setting product goals and objectives.
Stakeholder Management
  • Identifying and engaging with stakeholders.
  • Gathering and prioritising stakeholder requirements.
  • Managing stakeholder expectations and feedback
Product Backlog Management
  • Creating and managing the Product Backlog.
  • Prioritising user stories and features
  • Refining and grooming the Product Backlog.
User Story Writing
  • Writing effective user stories.
  • Defining acceptance criteria.
  • Communicating user requirements effectively.
Release Planning and Roadmapping
  • Planning and scheduling product releases.
  • Creating and maintaining the product roadmap.
  • Balancing short-term and long-term goals.
Agile Estimation and Planning
  • Estimating user stories and tasks.
  • Planning and conducting Sprint Planning meetings.
  • Monitoring progress and adjusting plans as needed.
Collaboration with Development Team
  • Collaborating with the Development Team to clarify requirements.
  • Participating in Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective meetings.
  • Providing feedback and guidance to the Development Team.
Product Ownership in Practice
  • Practical application of Product Ownership principles and techniques.
  • Case studies and real-world examples of successful Product Ownership.
Lean Startup and MVP
  • Introduction to Lean Startup principles.
  • Defining Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and Lean Canvas.
  • Validating product ideas and assumptions through MVP.
Product Metrics and Feedback
  • Identifying and measuring key product metrics.
  • Gathering and analysing user feedback.
  • Iterating and improving the product based on feedback.
Practice Exercises and Assessments
  • Hands-on exercises and simulations to reinforce learning.
  • Assessments and quizzes to evaluate understanding and application of Product Ownership concepts.
  • Feedback and guidance to support continuous learning and improvement.