Change Management Strategy
  • Develop and implement change management strategies and plans to support organisational initiatives and projects.
  • Collaborate with project teams and stakeholders to assess change readiness and develop strategies for managing resistance.
  • Establish communication plans to ensure clear and consistent messaging about changes and their impact on employees.
Stakeholder Engagement
  • Identify and engage key stakeholders across the organisation to build support for change initiatives.
  • Facilitate workshops, focus groups, and stakeholder meetings to gather input, address concerns, and solicit feedback on change efforts.
  • Build relationships with change champions and influencers to help drive adoption and buy-in from frontline employees.
Training Needs Assessment
  • Conduct training needs assessments to identify gaps in knowledge, skills, and abilities related to organisational changes.
  • Analyse training requirements and develop learning objectives aligned with organisational goals and objectives.
  • Determine training delivery methods, formats, and modalities based on learner preferences and organisational needs.
Training Program Development
  • Design and develop training programs, materials, and resources to support change initiatives and organisational objectives.
  • Create engaging and interactive training content using a variety of instructional methods, including e-learning modules, workshops, and job aids.
  • Collaborate with subject matter experts to ensure accuracy and relevance of training materials.
Training Delivery and Facilitation
  • Deliver training sessions and workshops to employees at all levels of the organisation, both in-person and virtually.
  • Facilitate discussions, activities, and exercises to reinforce learning objectives and promote skill development.
  • Provide coaching and support to learners to help them apply new knowledge and skills in their roles.
Measurement and Evaluation
  • Establish evaluation criteria and metrics to measure the effectiveness of training programs and change management initiatives.
  • Collect and analyse feedback from participants to assess the impact of training on knowledge acquisition and behaviour change.
  • Use evaluation data to identify areas for improvement and adjust training programs as needed.
Communication and Outreach
  • Develop communication materials, such as newsletters, emails, and intranet posts, to keep employees informed about change initiatives.
  • Create communication plans and timelines to ensure timely and relevant messaging throughout the change process.
  • Coordinate with internal communication teams to align change messaging with broader organisational communication strategies.
Resistance Management
  • Identify sources of resistance to change and develop strategies to address resistance effectively.
  • Provide coaching and support to managers and leaders to help them address employee concerns and overcome resistance.
  • Facilitate change readiness assessments and workshops to help employees navigate change and transition successfully.
Project Management
  • Manage training and change management projects, including project planning, resource allocation, and progress tracking.
  • Coordinate with cross-functional teams and project stakeholders to ensure alignment of training and change management activities with project goals and timelines.
  • Monitor project risks and issues and develop mitigation strategies to address potential obstacles to project success.
Continuous Improvement
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of training and change management interventions and identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Conduct lessons learned sessions and post-implementation reviews to capture best practices and insights for future initiatives.
  • Stay informed about industry trends and best practices in training and change management through ongoing research and professional development activities.